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Пошла жара теперь скили
FrintezzaGMДата: Вторник, 01.01.2008, 12:08 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 41
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
3 Power Strike
16 Mortal Blow
56 Power Shot
141 Weapon Mastery
142 Armor Mastery
194 Lucky
226 Relax
75 Detect Insect Weakness
78 War Cry
100 Stun Attack
121 Battle Roar
148 Vital Force
211 Boost HP
212 Fast HP Recovery
216 Polearm Mastery
227 Light Armor Mastery
231 Heavy Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
245 Wild Sweep
255 Power Smash
256 Accuracy
257 Sword Blunt Mastery
287 Lionheart
312 Vicious Stance
1 Triple Slash
5 Double Sonic Slash
6 Sonic Blaster
7 Sonic Storm
8 Focus Sonic
9 Sonic Buster
80 Detect Monster Weakness
87 Detect Animal Weakness
88 Detect Dragon Weakness
104 Detect Plant Weakness
144 Dual Weapon Mastery
190 Fatal Strike
260 Hammer Crush
261 Triple Sonic Slash
290 Final Frenzy
297 Duelist Spirit
36 Whirlwind
48 Thunder Storm
80 Detect Monster Weakness
87 Detect Animal Weakness
88 Detect Dragon Weakness
104 Detect Plant Weakness
116 Howl
130 Thrill Fight
181 Revival
286 Provoke
290 Final Frenzy
317 Focus Attack
320 Wrath
28 Aggression
45 Divine Heal
70 Drain Health
82 Majesty
92 Shield Stun
110 Ultimate Defense
112 Deflect Arrow
147 Magic Resistance
153 Shield Mastery
191 Focus Mind
217 Sword Blunt Mastery
232 Heavy Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
18 Hate Aura
44 Remedy
49 Holy Strike
69 Sacrifice
72 Iron Will
97 Sanctuary
196 Holy Blade
197 Holy Armor
262 Holy Blessing
291 Final Fortress
318 Aegis Stance
322 Shield Fortress
18 Hate Aura
46 Life Scavenge
65 Horror
72 Iron Will
86 Reflect Damage
103 Corpse Plague
127 Hamstring
283 Summon Dark Panther
291 Final Fortress
322 Shield Fortress
4 Dash
27 Unlock
96 Bleed
99 Rapid Shot
101 Stun Shot
111 Ultimate Evasion
113 Long Shot
137 Critical Chance
148 Vital Force
168 Boost Attack Speed
169 Quick Step
171 Esprit
173 Acrobat
193 Critical Power
195 Boost Breath
198 Boost Evasion
208 Bow Mastery
209 Dagger Mastery
225 Acrobatic Move
233 Light Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
256 Accuracy
312 Vicious Stance
11 Trick
12 Switch
30 Backstab
51 Lure
60 Fake Death
106 Veil
221 Silent Move
263 Deadly Blow
19 Double Shot
24 Burst Shot

Ухахаха заклинаю тебя на огонь Frintezza,son of Baium
FrintezzaGMДата: Вторник, 01.01.2008, 12:08 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 41
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
131 Hawk Eye
303 Soul of Sagittarius
313 Snipe
323 Quiver of Arrow: Grade A
324 Quiver of Arrow: Grade S
118 Magicians Movement
146 Anti Magic
163 Spellcraft
194 Lucky
214 Mana Recovery
244 Armor Mastery
249 Weapon Mastery
1011 Heal
1012 Cure Poison
1015 Battle Heal
1027 Group Heal
1040 Shield
1068 Might
1147 Vampiric Touch
1164 Curse: Weakness
1168 Curse:Poison
1177 Wind Strike
1184 Ice Bolt
1216 Self Heal
164 Quick Recovery
212 Fast HP Recovery
213 Boost Mana
228 Fast Spell Casting
229 Fast Mana Recovery
234 Robe Mastery
239 Expertise D
285 Higher Mana Gain
1069 Sleep
1078 Concentration
1083 Surrenders To Fire
1111 Summon Kat the Cat
1126 Servitor Recharge
1127 Servitor Heal
1144 Fast Servitor
1151 Corpse Life Drain
1157 Body To Mind
1160 Slow
1167 Poisonous Cloud
1172 Aura Burn
1181 Flame Strike
1220 Blaze
1222 Curse Chaos
1225 Summon Mew the Cat
1274 Energy Bolt
1056 Cancel
1072 Sleeping Cloud
1074 Surrender To Wind
1171 Blazing Circle
1230 Prominence
1231 Aura Flare
1232 Blazing Skin
1233 Decay
1275 Aura Bolt
1285 Seed of Fire
1288 Aura Symphony
1289 Inferno
1292 Elemental Assault
1296 Rain of Fire
1297 Clear Mind
1064 Silence
1129 Summon Reanimated Man
1148 Death Spike
1154 Summon Corrupted Man
1155 Corpse Burst
1156 Forget
1159 Curse Death Link
1163 Curse Discord
1169 Curse Fear
1170 Anchor
1234 Vampiric Claw
1262 Transfer Pain
1263 Curse Gloom
1269 Curse Disease
1298 Mass Slow
10 Summon Storm Cubic
143 Cubic Mastery
258 Light Armor Mastery
1139 Servitor Magic Shield
1140 Servitor Physical S

Ухахаха заклинаю тебя на огонь Frintezza,son of Baium
FrintezzaGMДата: Вторник, 01.01.2008, 12:08 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 41
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
1141 Servitor Haste
1262 Transfer Pain
1276 Summon Kai the Cat
1279 Summon Binding Cubic
1299 Servitor Ultimate Defense
1300 Servitor Cure
1301 Servitor Blessing
164 Quick Recovery
212 Fast HP Recovery
213 Boost Mana
228 Fast Spell Casting
229 Fast Mana Recovery
235 Robe Mastery
236 Light Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
1016 Resurrection
1031 Disrupt Undead
1035 Mental Shield
1043 Holy Weapon
1044 Regeneration
1062 Berserker Spirit
1069 Sleep
1073 Kiss of Eva
1075 Peace
1077 Focus
1078 Concentration
1085 Acumen
1191 Resist Fire
1201 Dryad Root
1204 Wind Walk
1018 Purify
1020 Vitalize
1028 Might of Heaven
1034 Repose
1042 Hold Undead
1049 Requiem
1217 Greater Heal
1218 Greater Battle Heal
1219 Greater Group Heal
1254 Mass Resurrection
1258 Restore Life
1271 Benediction
1307 Prayer
1311 Body of Avatar
211 Boost HP
259 Heavy Armor Mastery
1032 Invigor
1033 Resist Poison
1036 Magic Barrier
1045 Bless the Body
1048 Bless the Soul
1050 Return
1086 Haste
1182 Resist Aqua
1189 Resist Wind
1240 Guidance
1242 Death Whisper
1243 Bless Shield
1272 Word of Fear
3 Power Strike
16 Mortal Blow
56 Power Shot
58 Elemental Heal
77 Attack Aura
91 Defense Aura
141 Weapon Mastery
142 Armor Mastery
194 Lucky
15 Charm
21 Poison Recovery
28 Aggression
61 Cure Bleeding
102 Entangle
110 Ultimate Defense
112 Deflect Arrow
147 Magic Resistance
153 Shield Mastery
191 Focus Mind
217 Sword Blunt Mastery
230 Sprint
232 Heavy Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
316 Aegis
143 Cubic Mastery
291 Final Fortress
288 Guard Stance
18 Hate Aura
197 Holy Armor
107 Holy Aura
322 Shield Fortress
123 Spirit Barrier
67 Summon Life Cubic
10 Summon Storm Cubic
98 Sword Symphony
123 Spirit Barrier
196 Holy Blade
264 Song of Earth
265 Song of Life
266 Song of Water
267 Song of Warding
268 Song of Wind
269 Song of Hunter
270 Song of Invocation
304 Song of Vitality
305 Song of Vengeance
306 Song of Flame Guard
308 Song of Storm Guard
15 Charm
21 Poison Recovery
27 Unlock
61 Cure Bleeding
96 Bleed
99 Rapid Shot
101 Stun Shot

Ухахаха заклинаю тебя на огонь Frintezza,son of Baium
FrintezzaGMДата: Вторник, 01.01.2008, 12:09 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 41
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
102 Entangle
111 Ultimate Evasion
113 Long Shot
137 Critical Chance
169 Quick Step
171 Esprit
173 Acrobat
195 Boost Breath
198 Boost Evasion
208 Bow Mastery
209 Dagger Mastery
225 Acrobatic Move
230 Sprint
233 Light Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
256 Accuracy
312 Vicious Stance
12 Switch
30 Backstab
51 Lure
60 Fake Death
123 Spirit Barrier
221 Silent Move
263 Deadly Blow
296 Rest of Chameleon
321 Blinding Blow
19 Double Shot
24 Burst Shot
123 Spirit Barrier
303 Soul of Sagittarius
323 Quiver of Arrow: Grade A
324 Quiver of Arrow: Grade S
118 Magicians Movement
146 Anti Magic
163 Spellcraft
194 Lucky
214 Mana Recovery
244 Armor Mastery
249 Weapon Mastery
1011 Heal
1012 Cure Poison
1015 Battle Heal
1027 Group Heal
1040 Shield
1068 Might
1164 Curse: Weakness
1177 Wind Strike
1184 Ice Bolt
1206 Wind Shackle
1216 Self Heal
164 Quick Recovery
212 Fast HP Recovery
213 Boost Mana
228 Fast Spell Casting
229 Fast Mana Recovery
234 Robe Mastery
239 Expertise D
285 Higher Mana Gain
1069 Sleep
1078 Concentration
1126 Servitor Recharge
1127 Servitor Heal
1145 Bright Servitor
1172 Aura Burn
1175 Aqua Swirl
1181 Flame Strike
1182 Resist Aqua
1223 Surrender To Earth
1226 Summon Unicorn Boxer
1227 Summon Unicorn Mirage
1264 Solar Spark
1274 Energy Bolt
1047 Mana Regeneration
1056 Cancel
1071 Surrender To Water
1072 Sleeping Cloud
1174 Frost Wall
1183 Freezing Shackle
1231 Aura Flare
1235 Hydro Blast
1236 Frost Bolt
1237 Ice Dagger
1238 Freezing Skin
1265 Solar Flare
1275 Aura Bolt
1286 Seed of Water
1288 Aura Symphony
1290 Blizzard
1293 Elemental Symphony
1295 Aqua Splash
1297 Clear Mind
67 Summon Life Cubic
143 Cubic Mastery
258 Light Armor Mastery
1139 Servitor Magic Shield
1140 Servitor Physical Shield
1141 Servitor Haste
1262 Transfer Pain
1277 Summon Unicorn Merrow
1280 Summon Aqua Cubic
1299 Servitor Ultimate Defense
1300 Servitor Cure

Ухахаха заклинаю тебя на огонь Frintezza,son of Baium
FrintezzaGMДата: Вторник, 01.01.2008, 12:09 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 41
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
1175 Aqua Swirl
1181 Flame Strike
1182 Resist Aqua
1223 Surrender To Earth
1226 Summon Unicorn Boxer
1227 Summon Unicorn Mirage
1264 Solar Spark
1274 Energy Bolt
1047 Mana Regeneration
1056 Cancel
1071 Surrender To Water
1072 Sleeping Cloud
1174 Frost Wall
1183 Freezing Shackle
1231 Aura Flare
1235 Hydro Blast
1236 Frost Bolt
1237 Ice Dagger
1238 Freezing Skin
1265 Solar Flare
1275 Aura Bolt
1286 Seed of Water
1288 Aura Symphony
1290 Blizzard
1293 Elemental Symphony
1295 Aqua Splash
1297 Clear Mind
67 Summon Life Cubic
143 Cubic Mastery
258 Light Armor Mastery
1139 Servitor Magic Shield
1140 Servitor Physical Shield
1141 Servitor Haste
1262 Transfer Pain
1277 Summon Unicorn Merrow
1280 Summon Aqua Cubic
1299 Servitor Ultimate Defense
1300 Servitor Cure
1301 Servitor Blessing
164 Quick Recovery
212 Fast HP Recovery
213 Boost Mana
228 Fast Spell Casting
229 Fast Mana Recovery
235 Robe Mastery
236 Light Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
1013 Recharge
1016 Resurrection
1031 Disrupt Undead
1033 Resist Poison
1035 Mental Shield
1043 Holy Weapon
1044 Regeneration
1069 Sleep
1073 Kiss of Eva
1078 Concentration
1087 Agility
1201 Dryad Root
1204 Wind Walk
1257 Decrease Weight
1020 Vitalize
1028 Might of Heaven
1050 Return
1217 Greater Heal
1243 Bless Shield
1255 Party Recall
1259 Resist Shock
1273 Serenade of Eva
1303 Wild Magic
1304 Advanced Block
3 Power Strike
16 Mortal Blow
56 Power Shot
70 Drain Health
77 Attack Aura
91 Defense Aura
141 Weapon Mastery
142 Armor Mastery
194 Lucky
294 Shadow Sense
2 Confusion
28 Aggression
105 Freezing Strike
110 Ultimate Defense
112 Deflect Arrow
115 Power Break
129 Poison
147 Magic Resistance
153 Shield Mastery
191 Focus Mind
217 Sword Blunt Mastery
223 Sting
232 Heavy Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
18 Hate Aura
22 Summon Vampiric Cube
33 Summon Poltergeist Cubic
103 Corpse Plague
122 Hex
143 Cubic Mastery
278 Summon Viper Cubic
279 Lightning Strike
288 Guard Stance
289 Life Leech
291 Final Fortress
316 Aegis
322 Shield Fortress
84 Poison Blade Dance
122 Hex
144 Dual Weapon Mastery
271 Dance of Warrior
272 Dance of Inspiration
273 Dance of Mystic
274 Dance of Fire
275 Dance of Fury
276 Dance of Concentration
277 Dance of Light
307 Dance of Aqua Guard
309 Dance of Earth Guard
310 Dance of Vampire
311 Dance of Protection

Ухахаха заклинаю тебя на огонь Frintezza,son of Baium
FrintezzaGMДата: Вторник, 01.01.2008, 12:10 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 41
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
2 Confusion
27 Unlock
96 Bleed
99 Rapid Shot
101 Stun Shot
105 Freezing Strike
111 Ultimate Evasion
113 Long Shot
115 Power Break
129 Poison
169 Quick Step
171 Esprit
173 Acrobat
193 Critical Power
195 Boost Breath
198 Boost Evasion
208 Bow Mastery
209 Dagger Mastery
223 Sting
225 Acrobatic Move
233 Light Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
256 Accuracy
312 Vicious Stance
11 Trick
30 Backstab
106 Veil
122 Hex
221 Silent Move
263 Deadly Blow
321 Blinding Blow
19 Double Shot
122 Hex
303 Soul of Sagittarius
314 Fatal Counter
323 Quiver of Arrow: Grade A
324 Quiver of Arrow: Grade S
118 Magicians Movement
146 Anti Magic
163 Spellcraft
194 Lucky
214 Mana Recovery
244 Armor Mastery
249 Weapon Mastery
1011 Heal
1012 Cure Poison
1015 Battle Heal
1027 Group Heal
1040 Shield
1068 Might
1147 Vampiric Touch
1168 Curse:Poison
1177 Wind Strike
1184 Ice Bolt
1206 Wind Shackle
1216 Self Heal
164 Quick Recovery
212 Fast HP Recovery
213 Boost Mana
228 Fast Spell Casting
229 Fast Mana Recovery
234 Robe Mastery
239 Expertise D
285 Higher Mana Gain
1069 Sleep
1078 Concentration
1126 Servitor Recharge
1127 Servitor Heal
1128 Summon Shadow
1146 Mighty Servitor
1151 Corpse Life Drain
1157 Body To Mind
1160 Slow
1167 Poisonous Cloud
1172 Aura Burn
1178 Twister
1181 Flame Strike
1222 Curse Chaos
1224 Surrender To Poison
1228 Summon Silhouette
1266 Shadow Spark
1064 Silence
1074 Surrender To Wind
1148 Death Spike
1159 Curse Death Link
1176 Tempest
1234 Vampiric Claw
1239 Hurricane
1267 Shadow Flare
1287 Seed of Wind
1288 Aura Symphony
1291 Demon Wind
1294 Elemental Storm
1297 Clear Mind
33 Summon Poltergeist Cubic
143 Cubic Mastery
258 Light Armor Mastery
1139 Servitor Magic Shield
1140 Servitor Physical Shield
1141 Servitor Haste
1262 Transfer Pain
1278 Summon Soulless
1281 Summon Spark Cubic
1299 Servitor Ultimate Defense
1300 Servitor Cure
1301 Servitor Blessing
164 Quick Recovery
212 Fast HP Recovery
213 Boost Mana
228 Fast Spell Casting
229 Fast Mana Recovery
235 Robe Mastery
236 Light Armor Mastery
239 Expertise D
1013 Recharge
1016 Resurrection
1031 Disrupt Undead
1035 Mental Shield
1059 Empower
1069 Sleep
1073 Kiss of Eva
1077 Focus
1078 Concentration
1189 Resist Wind
1201 Dryad Root
1204 Wind Walk
1268 Vampiric Rage
1018 Purify
1217 Greater Heal
1219 Greater Group Heal
1240 Guidance
1242 Death Whisper
1303 Wild Magic
1339 - Fire Vortex
1340 - Ice Vortex
1341 - Wind Vortex
1342 - Light Vortex
1343 - Dark Vortex

Ухахаха заклинаю тебя на огонь Frintezza,son of Baium
FrintezzaGMДата: Вторник, 01.01.2008, 12:10 | Сообщение # 7
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 41
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
7029 cупер хаст! cool

Ухахаха заклинаю тебя на огонь Frintezza,son of Baium
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